Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Drawing of an old women

This is my final project for my class KDU College. There are A2 size and old lady was taken photo by my friend. Her face is looks like great and special. So I choose one photo by my friend for my final project..

Caricature is an exaggrerated portrait that distorts the essence of a person or thing to create an easily identifiable visual likeness. In this caricature, I draw an old and tired lady sitting down be the pavement taking a rest. Her face is drawn bigger with a protruding mouth.

The face is shaded with the side rather than the pointed tip of the pencil to produce a soft stroke. Her face is shaded with a soft brown tone with the forehead given a darker shade.

This technique is known as crosshatching. Generally it is formed from a series of intersecting lines. This technique is very common, generally because it is clean and simple.

This caricature is coloured to make it looks more attractive and eye catching.